• Please LIKE and support / share or suggested members and friends to add into the group, thanks.

    Posted by 品味。生活 on Thursday, December 3, 2015

    Please LIKE and support / share or suggested members and friends to add into the group, thanks.

    Posted by 品味。生活 on Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Facebook Farmville infinite Collect Eggs & Mystery Eggs loop 無限循環洗蛋和神祕蛋訊息


Facebook FarmVille get more Chicken Coop 擁有多座雞舍

1. "A雞舍"放置雞隻,不限數量1~20隻皆可;
2. "B雞舍"為空舍;
3. 點選"A雞舍"「Look Inside」→「Remove」,將全部雞隻全部搬移至"B雞舍";
4. "A雞舍"變成空舍;
5. 進入好友農場後轉回;
6. "B雞舍"就可點選「Collect Eggs」收成;

7. 繼續直接將"B雞舍"的雞在全部轉移到"A雞舍";
8. "B雞舍"變為空舍;
9. 進入好友農場後轉回;
10. A雞舍就可點選「Collect Eggs」收成;

